In partnership with our provider partners, IAMHP and it's member plans have developed a Comprehensive Billing Manual to better assist providers:
IAMHP is pleased to introduce our new Comprehensive HEDIS Guide. In our continuing commitment to improve the quality of care for our members, the HEDIS Guide is a one-stop guide for providers to ensure correct coding of key HEDIS metrics across all the Medicaid health plans.
For specific plan inquiries or questions, please contact the health plan directly.
For general questions or feedback regarding the Comprehensive Billing Manual or HEDIS Guide, please contact IAMHP at
Improving access to behavioral health services and support is more important than ever as we reflect on the last several years of the COVID-19 pandemic. To assist providers with addressing behavioral health needs in their communities, the Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP) created this Toolkit for Providers.
The Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP) and our member health plans recognize the crucial role that access to health care plays in promoting safe and healthy pregnancies. As a resource for providers, IAMHP has created a Toolkit to better understand the scope of benefits available under Medicaid managed care, from family planning to perinatal mental health care, and facilitate better access to care for moms and their families.
The Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP) and our member plans have pulled together a Toolkit for Providers as a resource for assisting Medicaid members with scheduling of transportation for medical appointments.
The Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP), Aetna Better Health of Illinois, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, CountyCare, Meridian and Molina have pulled together a Tool Kit to assist providers to “Recharge Routine Immunizations” for children in Illinois.
If you are a certified BEP Minority Owned Business interested in collaborating with Medicaid health plan, please let IAMHP know and they will send that information on to the Medicaid health plans.
Complete the Certified BEP/Minority Owned Business Submission Form and IAMHP will regularly send a report to the plans with your information.
From the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), a series of notices to help providers with the enhanced Managed Care Program:
What is my relationship with health plans that weren’t awarded a contract for the new program?
Four keys ways the new managed care will mean less work for providers
Simplified credentialing: Cutting back on provider overhead costs
How HFS and the health plans will communicate transition details to clients
How you can help your patients understand what they need to know about this transition
HFS & IAMHP Provider Meeting Material
IAMHP Provider Memo - D01 Guidelines
Key Contact & Escalation Documents
MCO Complaint Tracking Number Memo
MCO Mandated Training Material
Universal IAMHP Roster Template (Uploaded 02/27/2025)
Well Child Visits & Immunization Tool Kit