Erica*, an Aetna Better Health® of Illinois member, was 28 weeks pregnant when she reached out to the health plan for intensive care management. Erica had been dealing with anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. She also had a prior history of substance abuse and was currently smoking.
Erica’s history includes being abused as a child and experiencing domestic violence in a previous relationship. She had lost her first child from SIDS at two months old. Erica didn’t have access to a secure food supply. She needed dental care and was in urgent need of behavioral health counseling and medication management.
A behavioral case manager from Aetna® coordinated counseling, mediation management and food assistance (SNAP and WIC) for Erica. The case manager also gave Erica a list of dental providers and resources to stop smoking. Erica was also connected with our Maternity Matters team and she received education about pregnancy, along with resources on caring for an infant and safe sleep.
Erica has now monthly follow ups with the Maternity Matters team and her case managers. Her medical needs have been addressed and she has received dental care. The care manager arranged for Erica to receive a car sear, breast pump, meal delivery services and connected her to community resources for continued support.
*Member name changed to protect privacy