Dwayne is a 58-year-old man who has been living in a long-term care facility in Cook County for two years. Before living at the LTC, Dwayne
lived with a friend but because of hip pain and difficulty with mobility he was admitted to the LTC. Dwayne wanted to live in accessible
housing in the community and was assessed and referred to HFS’ CTI program by a Molina transition specialist.
Dwayne began working with his Molina transition specialist, case manager and facility staff on his recovery goals. He was provided supports and service while his specialist and community connector looked into accessible housing for him. Molina staff worked with him to ensure he obtained a bridge subsidy voucher from HACC so he would only be required to pay 30 percent of his income towards rent. They confirmed his housing was accessible and that all utilities were in place.
The Molina connector accessed Dwayne’s transition funds and helped him purchase 30 days’ worth of food, pay his security deposit, get furniture and household goods, and needed medical equipment. Dwayne began working with his primary care physician to develop a care plan, find an orthopedic and approach his pain management.
Dwayne has been living in his new home for the last two months. He has ongoing support through both his Molina case manager and onsite case
management. Dwayne continues to follow his care plan and work with his providers.
Dwayne has had no inpatient stays or emergency room visits since discharge. Dwayne continues to use his coping skills and support team to help him through difficult situations. Dwayne has reported he is very happy and grateful that he is able to live in the community, with privacy, independence and autonomy.