Charlie is a 45-year-old woman from Cook County who was referred to the Molina case management program because of high emergency room utilization. Charlie was dealing with complications and pain in her hips and back. Charlie has a history of alcoholism. At her appointments, Charlie did not want to talk about her history of alcoholism, only about her back and hip pain.
Getting Help
Charlie’s case manager tried their best to build a good relationship with her. The case manager kept performing outreach, even when Charlie was not responsive to assistance. Charlie’s case manager helped set up appointments for her hips and her back pain. Charlie’s case manager focused on promoting healthy living behaviors. As part of their discussions, Charlie’s Molina case manager would encourage behavioral health counseling and substance use programs as resources. Charlie didn’t take offense but wouldn’t engage or address the topics.
After several months of working through Charlie’s physical needs – she began to open up. Charlie was ready to seek counseling and rehabilitation for her alcohol use. Charlie’s case manager helped her make an appointment for her to go to inpatient rehabilitation for substance use. Once rehabilitation was completed, Charlie’s case manager helped her find aftercare counseling and local alcoholics anonymous meetings. Charlie joined a sobriety program and completed a 30-day residential treatment program. Charlie continues to work on her sobriety. She is more engaged in her health, she attends her medical appointments and has an appointment to have hip surgery. Charlie continues to engage with her case manager and remains hopeful about her future.