Katie is a 55-year-old woman from Kane County who has a history of alcohol dependence, alcohol peripheral, BPD, PTSD, Hernia and Gallstones. Katie was recently referred for case management services after an inpatient stay. Her case manager initially tried to contact her post-discharge but was unable to reach her after multiple attempts. Katie was referred to case management services again after another hospitalization for alcohol abuse.
This time, Katie’s case manager’s continued outreach led to successful contact. They began talking and Katie began engaging with her case management supports. Her case manager even assisted Katie in enrolling into a 28-day recovery program. Katie and her case manager continue to work together. Katie’s case manager links her with services and supports to help her recover. Katie now has a primary care provider, a dentist and a gynecologist on her care team to support her health.
Katie and her case manager re-enrolled her in SNAP benefits to help her get access to food. Katie also recently saw a specialist for gallbladder
surgery—Post-surgery her case manager and care team helped her as she recovered. Katie keeps her appointments now. Katie reports active
engagement in her sobriety support and goes to weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Katie has now been sober 7 months. She is appreciative and thankful for her care team and Molina case manager.