Jericho is a 71-year-old man from Central Illinois. He was recently discharged from a long-term care stay facility. While there, Jericho had one of his legs amputated, and after arriving home, he was having difficulty with activities of daily living.
Molina Steps In
Molina case management contacted Jericho and scheduled a home visit. When the case manager arrived, they found Jericho had fallen and was alone. The case manager called for emergency services and remained with Jericho until he was transported for evaluation.
The Response
Jericho was treated at the hospital and was discharged. The Molina case managed met with him after discharge and confirmed an emergency health response system was installed. The Molina case manager also connected Jericho with resources and ensured he received his prosthetists and worked with his caregiver to help support his activities of daily living.
Jericho has been working with his therapist and has acclimated to his prosthesis. He hasn’t fallen anymore and says he is more independent, and his quality of life has improved.